Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lake Siskiyou for Labor Day Weekend!

What better way to spend a three day weekend?! 
We met some friends up at Lake Siskiyou, at the base of Mt. Shasta, for Labor Day weekend. 
13 peolpe and 2 dogs later, lots of memories!

 Avary, Molly and Emma!
 Slumber party!

 So pretty.

 The Splash Zone!
Or as Jackson calls it, WipeOut!

We had front row seats for the triatholon that was taking place that weekend!
I'm sure most of the bikers loved Griffen telling them to "hustle" and "you can do better".  ;)

Craig paddle boarding around the lake.
I didn't think he was ever going to come back :)

 Griffen even got up on it!

 Paddle boarder :)

Who needs a splash zone when you have buckets, shovels, rocks, sand, water and boys?


The Young Family, Thiele Family and Deines Family!


The dirtier your feet, the more fun you are having!


Our three little dirty people!

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