Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Little League Night at Raley Field!

Griffen and Avarys t-ball team went to the annual Little League Night at our local minor league baseball field.  They had a ton of fun.  We couldn't stay as long as we would have liked because of the yelling, "MY EYES, MY EYES!" coming from Griffen and his horrible allergies, but we still had a good time.  Turns out the game went 16 innings.  YIKES!

Griffen, Avary and Gosh (aka Josh)

The teams all got to walk the field!  You can see Craig right in the center with the white hat and white shirt.  They LOVED this!
They couldn't believe they got to be on then same field as the 'real' players.

Can't go to a ballpark without having a hot dog :)

Soon after this picture was taken, Jackson discovered many of his friends were also there.  We never saw him again until it was time to leave.

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