Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Avary's way with words.

Lastnight with G & A both being sick, we "forgot" to have dessert.  Avary just realized this and just couldn't believe that I let this happen!  She looked over at me with major stink eye and said, "Make sure you keep it in your mind tonight, lady!"
It's Lady S to you my dear.......

It was a Merry Christmas for All!

 Getting ready to bake cookies for Santa!

 Griffen and Ally in deep conversation.
Happens a lot around here.
 My shadow all day!
But, I'm not complaining  ;)

 Writing Thank You letters for Santa and his elves.

 Avary's letter.

Christmas morning! 
 I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE getting Christmas cards in the mail and seeing all of our friends and family. 
I pretty much sit and wait at the mailbox for the mailman.

 Coloring an ornament. 

 We actually celebrated three days, but only took pictures one of
those  :( I hate when I do that.
This is a picture of most of the important men in my life,
Kyle (my older, younger brother), Bradley (my younger, younger brother), Craig, my Dad and his dad, my Papa!  It was so fun having both my brothers here :)

 Me and my wonderful Nana!  Love her!!

 Griffen waiting for his turn to open a gift. 
That is marker on his hand from those ornaments he was coloring earlier.  That's another story.  
 It went a little like this with Jackson,
"Can I open them now?  Can I open them now?"

 Avary got her very first jewelry box and necklace from Nana. 
So sweet!

 Yah, he is!

Whew, that was a lot of work, but oh so worth it.  It is always a challenge making and finding time to fit everyone in around the holidays.  I think we had a pretty balanced weekend.  Now to eat all the leftovers......  

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Go Bears!

Even Aunt Andrea was in the crowd!

Basketball season has begun!  Jackson and many of his buddies had their first game last weekend.  Although they lost, they still are off to a great start!


Griffen received his yellow tip (which is the first progression towards earning the next belt) at Karate this week!  He is ZOOPER excited and we are ZOOPER proud of him!

Friday, December 10, 2010

GiNgErBrEaD hOuSe FuN!

 I learned from last years 'homes' that it is better to give the kids a made house rather than have them make it and try to have the patience to let it dry before the decorating begins!
Some may call that OCD, I choose to call it preperation.

Don't ya just love the little trays for them.  You pretty much glue them to the alotted slots!  Genius  :)

 And the fun begins.....

 All 3 of them took such care in making it just right.

 "Now can we eat them?"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our annual winter trip to Tahoe!

We are lucky enough to own a couple of weeks a year up in Tahoe at the Marriott.  We look forward to it each and EVERY time it is our turn.  This year was no different.  We did everything from sledding to swimming to even building a snowman while we were soaking up the warm "bacuzzi"!  This was the first year that Griffen and Avary really got into the fun of everything.  Jackson looks forward to going downstairs to the Kids Activities Center everyday and with them being 4 years old G & A got to go too!  Craig and I were even able to have a night out thanks to the Center!

 Please, make yourselves comfortable ;)

 G & A had a "homework" assignment while we were gone.  It was to decorate a Christmas tree.  They brought one for Jackson also, so it was fun by all!

 Enough with the pictures, lets go tubing!

 Lunch break!

 He is getting SO big.

 It was so warm.  Had we known, it could have saved us about 30 minutes getting ready before we left.  None of this gear was needed.  :)


 I just love that smile :)

 Our view!

 Our view at night.  It doesn't get much better.

 Heading down to the pool!

 Griffen collecting snow for our snowman!