Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"I just don't know"

This afternoon I took all three kids to the doctors office for Jackson and Avary to get their Flu Mist vacination. Griffen wasn't able to get the mist because of his asthma and I was told he wouldn't be able to get the shot for a couple more weeks. So, he came with us to watch the others get "misted" as he said. Then it happened. The nurse decided to just do the shot while we were there. Great to save us another trip down to Elk Grove, not so great to prepare him with Tylenol and words of comfort and probably a couple of bribes. After wrestling his pants off, the deed was done. A couple of crocodile tears later and a token for the choking hazard toy machine and we were off. When we got home Avary and Griffen went to doing their thing and started having a conversation. It was HILARIOUS and very sad at the same time. Here is a little of how it went.

Avary- Ha, I got some medicine in my nose. (giggle, giggle)

Griffen- I got a shot. There is a hole in my leg. It hurts the whole time. (pouty face)

Avary- Why you got a shot? (nose crinkled)

Griffen- I just don't know. (sob, sob)

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