Saturday, September 12, 2009

Weekend in Sonoma

As I write this, Craig is swimming laps at the pool and I am sitting on the hotel bed listening to the man play music on his guitar, poolside. I am also enjoying the peace. Craig and I are celebrating our 12 Year Wedding Anniversary this weekend in Sonoma! What an awesome place. We were greeted at the door with a 'sample' of wine(they know how to score points with us) and have been enjoying every minute since. Although it is tough being away from the kiddos, did I mention that I am sooo enjoying the peace. My wonderful mom is fulfilling her Grandma duties this weekend and volunteered to watch the kids. Between the pizza, ice cream, slumber parties, zoo and great grandma coming over for a visit, they are just fine. Craig and I slept in, had breakfast in bed, walked 'The Square' and shared a pizza at Marys Pizza Shack. It was the first time we have been there and will NOT be the last! So good! Did a little window shopping and now starting to get ready for dinner. It has been a great weekend, but I do need to say, I can't wait to give my babies a kiss and a squeeze! Thanks mom :)

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