Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our new favorite thing to do!

Pick berries! They are everywhere.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Backyard cobbler!

Avary and I spent some time in the backyard today picking blueberries. The outcome......YUMMY dessert! Topped it off with homemade whipped cream. No wonder why I'm a little 'fluffy'. ;)

Summer Time Fun

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Their first job!

"come on Griff. Let's earn some dollars!"
They love going to Craigs work on the weekend and sweeping the warehouse!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Ally!

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Giving Tree! Totally!

This tree is in our neighborhood and reminds me of the Giving Tree every time I see it. Don'tcha think?!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

She's got the touch

Craigs parents were here for a visit over the last couple of weeks. While here, his mom found a sorry rose bush in our yard. Full of weeds and nothin' else. She did her thing and BAM! We got the sweetest smelling roses ever! Avary loves to put them throughout her room. Thanks, Goose.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The simple things


Feeding the birds at the zoo!

Thank god we didn't get pooped on. Birds flying everywhere, but so cool!

The day has finally come!

Avary has been waiting for their 6th Birthday. It was the magic age for us to allow her to get her ears pierced. She did great!

Oh Ally

Ally's ball went into the shrubs. She has 15 others available, but of course had to have this one. So, she got up on the chair, slowly fell onto the bushes and then began swimming in the air. The look in her big brown eyes was priceless. After a little bit of shimmying, she finally fell through the bottom. And yes, with her ball in her mouth. I wish my kids were this good at problem solving.