Saturday, June 18, 2011

"What else you got lucky?"

Avary came to me the other day and asked me to help her make a list.   She wanted to call it, "What else you got lucky?"  So I helped.  I soon realized that it was a list of things I have that she wants.  Too cute!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our first camping trip of the year!

This weekend we were finally able to use our new trailer!  We went to Lake Oroville.  It was PERFECT!  Everyone had their own space, even though they all three end up being back together again!  I must admit, at times I wouldn't have called it camping.  Our trailer makes everything so comfortable and easy.  Just another reason to get back out there and do it again!

 Avary and Jackson doing what they were told, stay out of the way while we set the trailer up!

 Griffens forbidden Cheeto fingers.  I hate Cheeto fingers.

 Trying to get comforatable ;)
They didn't have to try to hard.

Learning the rules of the fire pit. 
 The first night 8 deer came down the hill and went right by our site to eat.
It was awesome!  The kids were amazed.  Avary kept asking if they were real.
Griffen wanted to know if a deer would be friends with a kangaroo. 
Ummm.  I don't know.  I've never really thought about it.
 Griffen watching one of the deer go back up the hill.

 "S'MORE TIME!!!!"

 Avary helping wash dinner dishes!

 "I wish......"

 The kids made this center piece for our dinner table. 

The difference of Twin A and Twin B

Griffen and Avary have been studying 'farm life' at school lately.  They learned that pigs 'lub' mud.  Griffens, "lubs it a little, but not too much" and Avarys, "REALLY LUBS it".  She says if you look real close you can see his eyes.

Ayer and karate....

doesn't get much better than that :)
Andrea was in town for a couple days and was able to
 go to Griffen and Avarys karate class! 

Gold Dust or Bust!

Two of the 4th grade classes at Jacksons school put on a play called, Gold Dust or Bust.  They had a real director and casting call and everything!  He was awesome enough to land the lead roll, and then learned what than meant (DUN, DUN, DUN)......dancing and singing.  He had his lines learned within days, but just couldn't get in to the other areas.   After talking with the director and teachers, he was moved to a group of 'entertainers'.  Lead or no lead, he and his classmates did AWESOME!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, Gumpy!

Craigs parents were here over Memorial Day weekend, which just so happens to also be Craigs dads birthday! 

The cake looks so small next to his big hands :)
Happy Birthday, Gumpy!  Here's to many more!

What the hail?

Crazy storm that rolled through Natomas. 
Tornado warnings and all.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1, 2011

The day I wrote our last payment to preschool.