Sunday, January 24, 2010

A day in the snow.......

more like an hour, but who is counting? We drove up to a place called White Cloud over the weekend and played in the snow. It was beautiful. Only having cotton gloves though, it didn't last as long as everyone wanted it to. As soon as the fingers got cold it was O V E R ! Note to self - Invest in good gloves for the kids! Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

My dad was kind enough to come back into the 'danger-zone' and watch the kids for us again so Craig and I could go out to dinner to celebrate his Birthday! We came home and had simple, but sweet cupcakes with the kids. Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Are Cordially Invited To A Ball............

Griffen and Avarys little friend Zoe had her 4th Birthday party as a Ball! Everyone was encouraged to dress the part! HOW FUN!! Prince Griffen and Princess Avary did everything from hide in the corner, to learn how to ballroom dance from the one and only Princess Belle, who made a surprise visit! It was a lot of fun and a super cute idea!

Four Christmases, many memories!

Aunt Gia and Avary playing one of MANY games of B I N G O !!

Griffen and Bri enjoying an ice cream cone from Johns Incredible Pizza!

Griffen, Pa and Jackson waiting patiently for their turn to open a gift.

Nana and Papa getting some help from Griffen with opening a gift!

The Young Kids!

Avary, Kaycie, Bri, Griffen and Jackson

We had a visit from Craigs brothers family this year for the holidays! They live in Colorado and their oldest goes to Texas A&M, so you can imagine we don't get to hang out often! It was great seeing them.

"Dem Skates hurt my toes!"

During Christmas break we were invited to go roller skating with some neighbors. It was the first time all three kids wore 'real' skates. I think we stood in line longer to get in the rink than we did skating. :( Everyone put in a good try at it, but between hurt toochies, crammed toes and just not liking not having control ( I don't know where they get that) no one had fun. Good news is that they all agreed that they would give it another try again some day.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

This year I am going to try to realize that life is a school and I am here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away, but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.