Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gumpy and Griffen hanging out.

Gumpy and Griffen are the perfect pair for hanging out together.

Picture from a three year olds angle.....which one, I don't know!

Some little person got a hold of the camera and took some pictures. This one is pretty good of Gumpy and Uncle Brian.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

That Guy!

Brian was able to come down and spend about a week with us to celebrate THE Birthdays! It was neat to see the kids open their gifts from Brian and Gia with Brian here! It was great to see him again and the kids had fun hanging out with him. The only problem was that Griffen and Avary call him "That Guy". They want to give that guy a kiss goodnight, know when that guy is gonna wake up, and sit by that guy! We don't get to see Brian very often, but after this visit you would never know that. The three of them and Brian are a great (and crazy) combination. Thanks for coming Uncle B!!!!!

Jacksons 8th Birthday Golfing Day!

So, for Jacksons 8th Birthday he was invited to go golfing with Dad, Gumpy and Uncle Brian. He did great! If you ask him though he would say that the best part of his day was that Uncle Brian let him drive the golf cart!

Life is Great When You Turn 8!

So, we can hardly believe that Jackson is eight years old today. He has been making us laugh everyday since he started to talk and just amazes us with the things that he knows. Not much gets past him (OK, nothing gets past him). He is an awesome BIG brother and a boy we are happy to call our son. We love you so much Bubba. Happy 8th Birthday!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Well, like they say, Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder! Divit, our cat of 12 twelve years, got out lastnight and we didn't notice until this morning. She has been an indoor cat for all her life and has no claws so we thought she has no chance. After many walks around the neighborhood, and help from our friends, turns out all you need to do is go out to lunch and she will be on the porch waiting for you when you return! She is a little dirty, but safe ( and in one piece)! Avary was so excited she said, "WOW, her had a good hiding spot!"

Monday, July 13, 2009

They could be related!

We had our yearly visit with our good friends Brent and Karri Thiele and their boys Gavin and Parker. It was a ton of fun and the kids had a blast playing with them! It's always good seeing them.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tricky Tricky Mimi & Poppy....

Jackson celebrated his birthday this past weekend also with Mimi and Poppy. My mom played a trick on him and put a gift card in boxes from a garbage disposal to swiffer pads. He was totally confused and so happy that wasn't what he was getting. His final surprise from them was a Nintendo DS which he has been wanting for so long.

"New New Bikes!"

We had to give them their Birthday gifts early so they could ride them in the parade! Griffen actually jumped off the ground he was so excited. They do so great on them, Griffen just needs to slow down BEFORE he turns! It was like they were buying a used car the way they both walked around the bikes checking them out. Luckily they passed the test considering Craig had spent quite some time putting them both together.

I like the bottom, you like the top......

It was funny to see them eat their cupcakes. Avary only likes the top (thats my girl) and Griffen only likes the bottom!

Candle cookie anyone?

So it looks like all I needed to do was give them a candle to eat. No cupcakes necessary. Both of them took the 3 candle out of the cupcakes and started to eat them. Even with a mouth full of wax, Avary was happy!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh, no he didn't........

Ok, so I had this idea to get a family picture for the twins birthday book and little did I know Craig had other plans. He didn't even get me this bad at our wedding!

It's hard to believe its been another year...Their 3rd Birthday is already here! Happy Birthday our precious babies. We love you so much.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day 2009

Well, we had a great parade again this year. As always, Fire Station 30 put on quite a show. From just showing up to lifting the ladder all the way up it was A W E S O M E !! They are a great group of guys. There were a lot of people again all done up in their best reds, whites and blues. The kids had a great time. Griffen and Avary took a while to warm up to 'all dees people' but had a ton of fun. Lots of yummy food for everyone to enjoy.